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Community / support / Web S3 profiles doesn't seem to persist
Initially from @hugh1988 "hi, wondering if there any way to log in via web app and not have to put s3 credentials in each time? any way to have s3Drive remember them? doesn't remember. I sign out and then sign back in and it only has my managed account with no s3 bucket attached."
7:33 PM
Hi @hugh1988, just so I understand the issue better. Once you sign out, it is expected that S3Drive will remove your current profile from the list. Technically the current "sign out" for a managed account is more like: "remove S3 details and any associated data with these credentials", because there is no concept of log out. Do I understand correctly that after you "sign out" you also lose potentially other S3 credentials that you've configured? If that's the case can you let me know what happen if you don't "sign out" but instead force refresh web client? Does it persist your credentials or are they also lost? Please also specify what's your browser, browser version and OS. Thanks !
I think i see where i was going wrong. If I switch to profile with my email address (not a s3 bucket) then sign out and back in again my s3 bucket is still on the list. But if I sign out when s3 bucket is selected/active the credentials get deleted and need to be manually added again. I realise now is also the case for the desktop apps. Perhaps the 'sign out' should always just sign out of the managed credentials. If I want to delete my S3 bucket credentials I can always do that from the profiles list right? Thanks! (edited)
You're right. I am just thinking whether to rename it to: "Remove credentials" instead (only for non-managed one)... and if you want to "Sign out" from managed credentials you would be able to do so from the Profiles screen (X button on the right side) or by switching to and using the "Sign out" option.
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